First Class講師紹介 ~Angel(エンジェル先生)~

First classの講師をご紹介させて頂きます!

-Could you please introduce yourself?

My name is Kristine Angelique L. Deguma. My family and close friends call me “Tetet” but you can call me “Angel” for short. I am 25 years of age. I am a graduate of Bachelor in Elementary Education major in Special Education at the University of Southern Philippines Foundation last March 2013 and I am a Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) board passer, 2014. I worked as an ESL teacher for 3 years and 2 months to be exact and I also have 3 months experience as a Team Leader.

私の名前はクリスティン・アンジェリク L. デグマです。家族や親しい友人には“テテ”と呼ばれていますが、 “エンジェル”と呼んで頂いて大丈夫です。私は25歳です。2013年の3月にサザンフィリピン・ファンデーション大学の特別教育学部の中等教育学科の学士を修業しました。2014年には教務員の国家試験にも合格しました。3年と2か月(2018年1月現在)、英語講師として働いています。その内3か月間はチームリーダーとして働きました。

-What are your hobbies?

Scrapbooking is the thing that I love the most. For me, scrapbooking makes a home for special memories and it records stories. You can look back and read exactly what you thought, felt, or experienced at that time. It might be nostalgic or it might make you cringe, but either way it will take you back.


FirstClass講師紹介 ~Angel(エンジェル先生)~

-When is your birthday?

I was born on April 11, 1992.


-What is your favorite color?

Pink is always and will always be my favorite color.


FirstClass講師紹介 ~Angel(エンジェル先生)~

-What is your favorite local Filipino food?

I really love the crispy skin of Lechon or Roasted Pig but I am not so fond of its meat.


-Where is the place to visit in Cebu that you’d recommend?

I would recommend the Miraculous Shrine of Simala in Sibonga. It is a castle-like church located in Marian Hills of upper Lindogon, Simala, Sibonga, Cebu. It is so popular that devotees and believers flock the shrine, hoping and believing that their prayer requests would be granted. You would also experience the Religious Culture here in the Philippines.

シボンガ市にある奇跡を呼び起こすシマラ教会がおススメです。セブ州 シボンガ地区シマラ市のリンドンゴン北部 マリアン丘にあります。とても有名な場所で、熱心な支持者や信教者で溢れており、自分がお祈りした願いが叶うと信じている人もいます。フィリピンの宗教的な文化も垣間見れます。

-How do you describe your personality?

I am not really good at describing my personality. All I know is that I am a shy person and I don’t really trust easily. If you want to know more about me, just get to know me in person.


FirstClass講師紹介 ~Angel(エンジェル先生)~

-What do you want to become in another life?

I believe that the present is more important. Every day we make choices, may it be big or small. Those choices add up to who we are today and who we will likely be tomorrow. We should keep in mind that this journey is ongoing, we get to decide who we want to be every single day. All you have to do is enjoy the moment and have fun.


-What inspired you to become a teacher?

Honestly, it was not my choice at first. Yes, my parents gave me the freedom to choose what course but at that time, I didn’t know what course to take. I was undecided and I was also confused. So, my mother recommended Education and so I followed her. Nevertheless, I didn’t regret anything. I love teaching now. It gives me satisfaction knowing that I am able to share my knowledge and most especially it makes me happy whenever my students learn something from me. It makes everything worthy and fulfilling.


-What made you decide to work at First Class?
(なぜFirst Classで働こうと思いましたか?)

When I opened the door and when I entered First Class Innoventure for my interview, I felt at home. I felt comfortable and I automatically liked the environment. So I told myself, I want to be part of this school.

面接のためにFirst Classのドアを初めて開けた時、雰囲気がとてもアットホームだと感じ、直ぐに好きになりました。そしてこの学校で働きたいと思いました。

FirstClass講師紹介 ~Angel(エンジェル先生)~

-Is there something that you keep in mind when you teach students English language?

I always keep in mind to be optimistic all the time. When you are positive or when you always think positively and when the students see and feel that, they will also become one. They will not give up easily no matter how hard learning English is because for me, being optimistic is contagious.


FirstClass講師紹介 ~Angel(エンジェル先生)~

-Any message to future students?

Hello, future students
I would love to be part of your journey in learning English. I know it’s a little difficult but don’t you worry, I am here to help you. I’ll be patiently teaching you no matter how many mistakes or how slow you progress. It is quality rather than quantity that matters. So what are you waiting for? Come and join us here in FCI. We are looking forward to seeing you in the near future.

未来の生徒さん、こんにちは。皆様の英語学習の旅のお供ができる事を願っています。英語の勉強は難しいかもしれませんが、心配無用です。私がお手伝いいたします。沢山間違えたり、進みが遅くても、私が親身に、英語を教えていきます。量よりも質が重要です。First Classで待っています。近い将来、皆さんにお会いできることを楽しみにしています。

皆さんもFirst Classへ来た際は、ぜひ彼女の授業を体験してみてくださいね!