【First Class講師紹介~Reyna先生~】

今回は新しくFirst Classの講師として仲間入りしてくれたReyna(レイナ)先生に自己紹介インタビューをしたいと思います!

Could you please introduce yourself?

Hi! My name is Reyna Joy P. Matiga. My family & close friends call me “Joy2” but my coworkers call me by my first name “Reyna”.  I’m 30 years old. I’m from Danao City, Cebu. I took up a Bachelor of Elementary Education major in Special Education at Colegio de San Antonio de Padua – De La Salle University. I was a private teacher before for more than 3 years and I have been working in the ESL Industry for 2 years now.
(こんにちは!私の名前はレイナ・ジョイ P. マティガです。私の家族や親しい友人は私の事を「ジョイ2」
と呼びますが、 職場では「レイナ」と呼ばれてます。

What are your hobbies?

My hobbies are surfing the net, travelling and sleeping
(趣味はネット・サーフィンと旅行と寝ることです。 )

When is your birthday?

I was born on May 24, 1991.
(誕生日は1991年3月24日です。 )

What is your favorite color? Why?
(好きな色はなんですか?また、なぜですか? )

My favorite colors are Pastel Colors and  the color of nature.

What is your favorite native Filipino food?

My favorite Filipino foods are lechon, adobo and escabeche.
(好きなフィリピン料理 はレチョンとアドボ、エスカベチェです。 )

Where is the place to visit in Cebu that you’d recommend?

I recommend visiting Bantayan Island, Oslob & West35.

How do you describe your personality?

I am a down-to-earth & humble person.  I’m also an adventurous and a risk-taker kind of person.

What do you want to become in another life?

Butterfly. Because I believe it is an eye catcher to the people specially to the kids.

What inspired you to become a teacher?

The special children inspire me to become a teacher. I want to talk to them in their own language.
(障害のある児童に会ったことが講師になるきっかけです。 彼らの言葉で会話をしたいと思っています。 )

What made you decide to work at First Class?
(First Classで働こうと思ったきっかけはなんですか?)

Aside from wishing to find a new environment, I also want to be better in this profession and I do believe that FCI will help me to become a better teacher.

Is there something that you keep in mind when you teach students English language?
( 英語を教える時に気をつけていることは何ですか?)

As a teacher, I want my students to learn not just by books but also I want to share & impart my knowledge & experience in the English subject.

Any message to future student?

Believe in yourself. You can do it! Fighting!

ぜひ、Firsr Classへ留学された際はReyna先生の授業を受けてみてくださいね。

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